Thursday, December 16, 2010

Neck Pain

Neck pain as well as other problems in the neck are the cause of many health problems including secondary back pain, headaches and pain between the shoulder blades.

One of the most common postural problems is forward head posture. Not only does the neck support your 10-12 pound head, but it must allow for nerve flow to the arms, head, face and the rest of the body. Since we live in a world of computers,video games, iphones and trauma from car accidents, our neck has been forced to adapt to this stress of forward head posture. Because the neck and shoulders have to carry this extra weight all day the muscles in the neck begin to become fatigued and tired causing tight muscles, back pain, burning and fibromyalgia like symptoms. Chronic neck pain is a sign that there is an underlying problem that should be addressed sooner than later.

A thorough exam of the neck as well as a posture check can determine the extent of the problem. Any forward head posture should be checked by a chiropractor.

The most difficult condition to handle with neck pain and back pain is degenerative arthritis. Long term postural problems and neglect can lead to spinal decay. The most susceptible place in the spine is the neck. I know as your stress is here to stay with the busyness of life. We would like an opportunity to help you handle it before it becomes a crisis.

Now you could choose an AmWand or many of the Amega's Products! Come and experience the amazing zero point energy power and all your neck pain problems could be healed. In Amega, we have several amazing products to treat neck pain and headaches as well as fix the underlying problem.

Call now at 93897382 or visit us at to order, schedule an demo appointment or get more information.

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