Friday, December 17, 2010


How to stop them from stopping you?

Most headaches start off in the upper neck and involve the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover your head and neck. If there is a lack of function in the neck it causes abnormal actions and sometimes pain.

The muscles or blood vessels swell or tighten, putting pressure on the surrounding nerves. The nerves send a rush of pain messages to your brain or along the path of a nerve and you end up with a headache.

This has lead to an approach that that covers symptoms with strong medication, but does not fix the problem.

Different factors can cause headaches

– Emotional
– Nutritional
– Structural (90% of headaches)

10% of headaches are caused by…

Uncorrected vision problems
Changes in the weather
Food allergies
Foods high in preservatives

The other 90% are caused by…

Structural factors cause pinched nerves which can lead to headaches. The spinal bones in the neck are not moving right causing neck pain and eventually headaches. Sinus, cluster, tension, and migraine headaches all originate from pinched nerves.

Now you could choose an AmWand or many of the Amega's Products! Come and experience the amazing zero point energy power and could give you headache relief. In Amega, we have several amazing products to treat neck pain, back pain and headaches as well as fix the underlying problem.

Call now at 93897382 or visit us at
to order, schedule an demo appointment or get more information.
we specialize in headache relief.

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